One means of recognizing outstanding students at Colorado State University is through election to membership in a chapter of a local, national, or international honorary society. Criteria for membership and the scope of activities vary widely. Some societies focus primarily on scholastic achievement; others consider grades along with other factors, such as community service and leadership. Some select members by invitation only; for others, students must submit applications.

Listed below are the names of societies present at Colorado State University, with the names of some local contacts and the website of the organization where possible.

All University

Alpha Lambda Delta – Freshmen
Gamma Beta Phi
Golden Key
Mortar Board
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
National Society of Leadership and Success
Order of Omega
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Pinnacle International – Non-traditional Students
Sigma Alpha Lambda – National Leadership and Honors Organization
Sigma Xi – Scientific Research
Society for Collegiate Leadership & Achievement (SCLA)
Tau Sigma

Liberal Arts

Alpha Kappa Delta – Sociology
Kappa Tau Alpha – Technical Journalism
Lambda Pi Eta – Communication Studies
Omicron Delta Epsilon – Economics
Phi Alpha Theta – History
Pi Kappa Lambda – Music
Pi Sigma Alpha – Political Science
Sigma Tau Delta – English

Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Phi Zeta – Veterinary Medicine

Agricultural Sciences

Alpha Zeta
Gamma Sigma Delta – Agricultural and Related Sciences
Pi Alpha Xi – Horticulture


Alpha Sigma Gamma – Real Estate
Beta Alpha Psi – Accounting


Alpha Epsilon – Agricultural Engineering
Chi Epsilon – Civil Engineering
Eta Kappa Nu – Electrical and Computer Engineering
Omega Chi Epsilon – Chemical Engineering
Pi Tau Sigma – Mechanical Engineering
Tau Beta Pi – Engineering

Health and Human Sciences

Phi Alpha – Social Work
Pi Theta Epsilon – Occupational Therapy
Sigma Lambda Chi – Construction Management

Natural Sciences

Beta Beta Beta – Biology
Psi Chi – Psychology
Sigma Pi Sigma – Physics
Upsilon Pi Epsilon – Computer Science

Natural Resources

Xi Sigma Pi

Interdisciplinary Programs

Alpha Iota Sigma