*Comments are submitted anonymously with the option of disclosing your name and contact information.*

Ideas, Feedback & Questions

Thank you for reaching out to the Teaching Continuity & Recovery Team with your ideas, feedback, and questions. This feedback form allows you to submit your comments anonymously. There is an option for providing your name and affiliation, if you choose.

Alongside questions and feedback, we’re looking for your tangible ideas for the best ways to ease COVID-19 impacts and alleviate pockets of stress for you and other instructors, and your thoughts on where the greatest needs are for potential additional support from student hourly and graduate student employees.

If you require a response, please email the Teaching Continuity & Recovery Team directly. (Emails to this mailbox will not be anonymous).

The Teaching Continuity & Recovery Team (TCRT)

The Pandemic Preparedness Team (PPT) has led CSU’s critical management of our COVID public health guidance since March 2020. The work of the PPT has been bolstered by several working groups, including the Teaching Continuity & Recovery Team (TCRT), appointed by former President Joyce McConnell at the onset of the pandemic to protect institutional priorities.

The TCRT has focused its work on ensuring the integrity of CSU’s academic mission, mitigating teaching and learning impacts, and recommending instructional and academic support strategies for educational continuity.