
Marion K. Underwood
Provost & Executive Vice President;
Chair, Provost’s Leadership Council 
[email protected]

Alonso Aguirre
Dean, Warner College of Natural Resources
[email protected]

Steve Dandaneau
Associate Provost and Executive Director of the Association for Undergraduate Education at Research Universities
[email protected]

Karen Estlund
Dean, Libraries
[email protected]

Kathleen Fairfax
Vice Provost for International Programs
[email protected]

Cheyenne Hall
Provost’s Office Budget Manager
[email protected]

Blanche Hughes
Vice President for Student Affairs
[email protected]

Pam Jackson
Associate Vice Provost for Communications
[email protected]

Sue James
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
[email protected]

Laura Jensen
Vice Provost for Planning and Effectiveness
[email protected]

Carolyn Lawrence-Dill 
Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences
[email protected]

Kevin MacLennan  
Vice President for Enrollment & Access
[email protected]

Kim Miloch  
Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost/EVP and Associate Vice Provost for Organizational Strategy & Academic Leadership Development
[email protected]

Cass Moseley 
Vice President for Research 
[email protected]

Jacob Roberts
Interim Dean, College of Natural Sciences
[email protected]

Allen Robinson
Dean, Walter Scott Jr. College of Engineering
[email protected]

Mendy Smith
Chair, Faculty Council
[email protected]

Michelle Stanley 
Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs 
[email protected]

Kjerstin Thorson  
Dean, College of Liberal Arts
[email protected]

Sue VandeWoude
Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
[email protected]

Beth Walker
Dean, College of Business
[email protected]

Colleen Webb
Dean, Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs
[email protected]

Lise Youngblade
Dean, College of Health and Human Sciences
[email protected]