Nancy E. Levinger

College of Natural Sciences
Department of Chemistry
Appointed: 2007
Office: C205 Chemistry
Phone: (970) 491-1331
Email: [email protected]
Web: View Nancy E. Levinger’s Web Page
- B.S., Northwestern University, Integrated Science and Physics, 1983
- Ph.D., University of Colorado, Chemical Physics, 1990
Since joining the faculty at Colorado State University in 1992, Professor Levinger has combined her research and teaching interests through the involvement of undergraduate students in research. She directed the NSF REU program in the Chemistry Department for six years, renewing funding for the program twice. In addition, she has served on national panels and committees exploring the role of undergraduate research as an educational tool. She has spearheaded several programs at Colorado State University to increases research opportunities for undergraduates such as the Undergraduate Research Institute in the College of Natural Sciences.
Research Interests
- Ultrafast laser spectroscopy for dynamics of molecules and assemblies in the condensed phase
- Spectroscopy and dynamics of molecules in confined environments
- Neutron scattering methods to explore structure and dynamics of molecules in confined environments
- Ultrafast laser spectroscopy method development for measuring time-resolved fluorescence
- Multinuclear and multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy applied to molecules in confined environments
- Pedagogical techniques
Teaching Awards and Recognitions
- Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2005-present
- Chair, National Science Foundation Chemistry Research Experiences for Undergraduates Leadership Group, 2001-2004
- Margaret Hazaleus Award, Women’s Caucus Colorado State University, 2004
- College of Natural Sciences Faculty Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award, 1999
- Director National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program in Chemistry at Colorado State University, 1999-2004
- National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award, 1994-1999
- National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chemistry, 1990-1992
- Teaching Assistant Award for teaching excellence in General Chemistry, University of Colorado, 1984
Current Teaching Activities
Physical Chemistry (CHEM 474, 476); Physical Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 478); General Chemistry for Chemistry Majors (CHEM 117/CHEM 192)
Physical Chemistry (CHEM 474, 476); Physical Chemistry Laboratory (CHEM 478); General Chemistry for Chemistry Majors (CHEM 117/CHEM 192)